Tag Archives: whey protein

Does Soy Protein Really Inhibit Resistance Training-Induced Strength Gains In Older Adults? Part 2

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Where Good Research Leads To Poor Interpretation

In my last research article review titled “Muscle strength gains during resistance exercise training are attenuated with soy compared with dairy or usual protein intake in older adults – part 1” (see here), no additional benefit for improvements in strength, body composition, physical function, or quality of life when additional protein from either dairy or soy versus usual protein intake were seen after 12 weeks of progressive resistance training exercise in healthy older adults.

The focus of this article – part 2 of this review – is to discuss the findings that suggest that increased soy protein intake attenuated improvements in muscular strength compared to dairy protein and usual protein. I want to explore some of the results of this study that are discordant with the conclusions reached by the authors. Their take-home message I believe is therefore misleading and misrepresents what the study actually showed.

The biggest problem with this is that the vast majority of media (print, TV, social media etc), websites, blogs and other avenues used to report on this study, haven’t taken the time to analyse or assess whether or not the conclusions reached are valid. In fact, when I Googled the net for websites, pages or blogs that wrote about, and reported the results of the study in question, I could not find ONE that had even questioned or scrutinised the conclusion against the actual results produced.

This highlights a bigger issue regarding the veracity of health, exercise, fitness and nutrition news that is reported and shared – following publication – in the blink of an eye. Whilst I do not want to explore this further today, it is certainly something that bothers me and something I would like to write about soon.

Let’s look at some of the issues with the conclusions reached by the authors of this paper.

Problem #1 – One of the main findings claimed to have been shown by this research was that:

Increased soy protein intake attenuated gains in muscle strength during resistance training in older adults compared with increased intake of dairy protein or usual protein intake” (pg. 27).

Now unless you read the whole study and scrutinised the results there would be no way of knowing if this conclusion is well-founded or not; so let’s have a look at the results table to see if this is a fair assessment of their data (click on table to expand).

Strength gain with Soy protein versus Dairy protein in older adults
Strength improvement results for each diet intervention

The first thing you’ll notice is that the only exercise that soy protein attenuated gains in muscle strength was leg press 8RM (RM; maximum weight lifted for eight repetitions); for all other exercises no differences were found for protein source and subsequent strength improvement. More specifically, there were no significant differences between the soy, diary and usual protein group for strength improvement in isometric knee extensor strength, handgrip strength, chest press, knee extension, lat pulldown and leg curl. Thus, strength training adaptation from resistance training in older adults for all exercises, bar one (leg press), was the same irrespective of the protein source provided. The significant difference found therefore for the sum total 8RM lifted for all 8RM exercises was most likely due to the difference in leg press 8RM. (Note: percentage improvement in lat pulldown 8RM was greater in usual protein vs dairy but with no difference vs soy; this doesn’t, however, detract from the core proposal above).

Strength increases through Leg press
Leg Press for increasing lower body muscle strength

If that is the case, the question that needs to be asked is, why was this ignored and not explored in the discussion? There are certainly some intriguing possibilities regarding this result. Does soy protein, for example, possibly attenutate gains in lower body but not upper body strength? Is there any other explanation for the attenuated strength for Leg press and, if so, would that mean that there are essentially no differences between the source of the protein and the strength improvement? I’m not sure what mechanism of action you would propose to explain a differential for strength gain between lower and upper body when consuming soy versus dairy protein? The authors do hypothesise that the inhibition of strength gain due to soy protein could have been hormonally based by stating:

Instead, it is more likely that the attenuation of the strength increase in the HP-S group was due to some effect of the soy inhibiting the increase in strength. Soy foods not only contain soy protein, but also contain isoflavones, which exhibit estrogenic properties [Barnes 2012]. A recent study demonstrated that 14 days of soy protein supplementation in resistance trained young men during training reduced serum testosterone concentrations in the first 30 min post-exercise compared with whey protein or a carbohydrate control [Kraemer et al. 2013]. It was proposed that this blunted serum testosterone response might reduce the anabolic response in skeletal muscle, thus attenuating the accretion of contractile protein and muscle strength gains. This may explain the attenuated increase in strength gains observed in the HP-S group in the present study (pg. 32).

However, I don’t think that the abovementioned soy-induced reduction in serum testosterone has been shown to affect muscle contractile properties in an appendicular specific manner (i.e. lower body responds differently to upper body). Moreover, in contrast to the authors proposition above, post-exercise testosterone response does not appear to correlate with, nor is it in any way indicative of subsequent strength gains following resistance training as shown, for example, by the work of Morton and colleagues (2016).

Problem #2: Assessing the results listed in table 2 for Leg Press highlights another interesting difference between the soy and dairy protein groups. The baseline strength values for the dairy and usual protein groups are significantly lower than the soy protein group (55.0 vs 77.3 vs 56.6). In fact, the 8RM baseline strength value for the soy protein group is approximately 40% higher than the other protein groups. Such a large difference would have been unexpected following randomisation with most other baseline values relatively comparable. How this difference affected the statistical analysis is difficult to say but I would have liked the authors to discuss this to put such a baseline disparity into perspective.

Given what was discussed in problem number 1, a separate statistical analysis should have been conducted on all 8RM exercises with leg press 8RM excluded. This assessment would have been able to tease out if the attenuated strength gain seen in the leg press also applied to the 4 other exercises. Based on the data for each individual exercise (excluding leg press), no differences were observed; however, there may have been insufficient power to detect any real differences. By grouping these 8RM exercises together this question could have been answered. As it stands, soy-induced strength gain attenuation can only be claimed for the 8RM leg press.

gym training for strength gain
Are functional strength gains limited by machine-based training?

In relation to the training sessions, what is not particularly clear is whether the participants trained one-on-one with their instructor in solitude or whether the sessions involved small groups. It is feasible that if participants trained individually and at the same time but with different instructors, or in small mixed groups, those allocated to the dairy and usual protein experimental diets may have inadvertently or surreptitiously observed what the ‘stronger’ leg press soy participants were lifting and been incentivised to ‘push’ that bit harder in an attempt to bridge the gap.

Final comments: Based on the results of this study, I would have worded the conclusion very differently to that which was put to print by the Thomson et al. Something like the following would have probably been more apt:

Increased soy protein intake appeared to attenuate gains in leg press muscle strength only, compared with increased dairy protein or usual protein intake. With all other exercises there were no notable differences. Further research is required to explore the possibility that soy protein may specifically inhibit lower body strength gains from resistance training in older adults.

Post-script: Following further analysis and publication of part 2 of this blog, I wrote a letter to the Editor of Clinical Nutrition Journal outlining, what I believed, were some of the flaws regarding the interpretation of the results of this trial. Upon peer review this was accepted for publication and can be found here. If you are unable to access this correspondence and the authors reply to my letter, please contact me and I should be able to assist.


Barnes S. (2004) Soy isoflavones-phytoestrogens and what else? J Nutr 134:1225S-8S.

Cermak et al. (2012) Protein supplementaiton augments the adaptrive response of skeletal muscle to resistance-type exercise training: a meta-analysis Am J Clin Nutr 96: 1454- 64.

KraemerWJ et al. (2013) The effects of soy and whey protein supplementation on acute hormonal reponses to resistance exercise in men. J Am Coll Nutr 32:66-74.

Morton RW, Oikawa SY, Wavell CG, Mazara N, McGlory C, Quadrilatero J, et al. Neither load nor systemic hormones determine resistance training-mediated hypertrophy or strength gains in resistance-trained young men. J Appl Physiol July 1, 2016;121:129-138.

Thomson et al. (2016) Muscle strength gains during resistance exercise training are attenuated with soy compared with dairy or usual protein intake in older adults: A randomized controlled trial. Clinical Nutrition. 35: 27-33

Disclaimer: All contents of the FitGreyStrong website/blog are provided for information and education purposes only. Those interested in making changes to their exercise, lifestyle, dietary, supplement or medication regimens should consult a relevantly qualified and competent health care professional. Those who decide to apply or implement any of the information, advice, and/or recommendations on this website do so knowingly and at their own risk. The owner and any contributors to this site accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any harm caused, real or imagined, from the use or distribution of information found at FitGreyStrong. Please leave this site immediately if you, the reader, find any of these conditions not acceptable.

© FitGreyStrong

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What is the Optimal Amount of Protein to Support Post-Exercise Skeletal Muscle Reconditioning in the Older Adult?

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This is not going to be a long in-depth blog. In fact, it will simply provide a very condensed review of the paper recently published by Churchward-Venne et al (2016) in the Sports Medicine journal where they discuss: “the current state of evidence regarding the dose-dependent relationship between dietary protein ingestion and changes in skeletal muscle protein synthesis during recovery from resistance-type exercise in older adults. They provide recommendations on the amount of protein that may be required to maximize skeletal muscle reconditioning in response to resistance-type exercise in older adults.”

With an approximately $US50 cost to access this article, most will  simply not be willing to fork out that sort of money. So I wanted to outline the key points that were made in this article and provide a little bit more than what appears in the below online abstract. If you have any questions or want further information just leave a comment at the end of the article and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Whey protein and muscle recovery
Whey Protein Increases Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis Rates

ABSTRACT: Hyperaminoacidemia following protein ingestion enhances the anabolic effect of resistance-type exercise by increasing the stimulation of muscle protein synthesis and attenuating the exercise-mediated increase in muscle protein breakdown rates. Although factors such as the source of protein ingested and the timing of intake relative to exercise can impact post-exercise muscle protein synthesis rates, the amount of protein ingested after exercise appears to be the key nutritional factor dictating the magnitude of the muscle protein synthetic response during post-exercise recovery. In younger adults, muscle protein synthesis rates after resistance-type exercise respond in a dose-dependent manner to ingested protein and are maximally stimulated following ingestion of ~20 g of protein. In contrast to younger adults, older adults are less sensitive to smaller doses of ingested protein (less than ~20 g) after exercise, as evidenced by an attenuated increase in muscle protein synthesis rates during post-exercise recovery. However, older muscle appears to retain the capacity to display a robust stimulation of muscle protein synthesis in response to the ingestion of greater doses of protein (~40 g), and such an amount may be required for older adults to achieve a robust stimulation of muscle protein synthesis during post-exercise recovery. The aim of this article is to discuss the current state of evidence regarding the dose-dependent relationship between dietary protein ingestion and changes in skeletal muscle protein synthesis during recovery from resistance-type exercise in older adults. We provide recommendations on the amount of protein that may be required to maximize skeletal muscle reconditioning in response to resistance-type exercise in older adults.

Key points

  • The key question often posed in relation to diet and resistance training is: “How much protein should I consume after a workout/training session to maximise the adaptive response to resistance-type exercise?”
  • Whilst the answer to this question is not entirely clear what is known is that this depends on 4 key things: age, bodyweight, energy balance and possibly training status.
  • Evidence shows that maximising skeletal muscle protein synthesis rates during recovery from resistance training exercise in younger adults is sufficiently accommodated by the ingestion of ∼20 g of protein or ∼0.25 g protein/kilogram bodyweight.
  • Older adults demonstrate a blunted post-prandial muscle protein synthetic response.
  • However, older adults as opposed to younger adults require higher amounts of protein during recovery from resistance training exercise to optimally stimulate muscle protein syntheis. Intakes even up to ∼40 g appear necessary.
  • No consensus currently exists regarding the amount of protein required to maximally stimulate skeletal muscle protein synethsis rates during recovery from resistance training exercise in older adults.
Resistance training room
The Future Treatment For Sarcopenia-induced Muscle Atrophy?
  • Given that older adults not involved in resistance training or vigourous physical activity require an increased intake of protein relative to younger adults, a higher protein intake seems warranted post-exercise after performing resistance training.
  • Leucine-enriched whey protein or increased EAA providing 3.5 g leucine have prolonged the duration of the increase in myofibrillar protein synthesis rates following resistive exercise in older men.
  • Technically, the capacity of older skeletal muscle to robustly respond with increased protein synthetic response post-resistive exercise may relate to leucine-mediated increases in p70S6K1 (Thr389) phosphorylation and/or amino acid transporter expression.
  • The availability of dietary protein-derived amino acids within the circulation following protein ingestion is reduced in older adults.
  • The ‘optimal’ dose of ingested protein as previously mentioned may therefore be double (∼40 g) that required by younger adults.
  • The dose of ingested protein to induce a maximal stimulation of muscle protein synethesis following resistive exercise appears to increase during energy deficit versus energy balance.
  • Greater rates of muscle protein synethesis have been demonstrated when 30 g versus 15 g of whey protein were consumed after training in younger adults when under conditions of mild energy deficit.
  • Older adults in energy deficit and engaged in resistive exercise may require even higher amounts of post-exercise protein >40 g but <50 g; however, this is based entirely from extrapolating from younger adults and is therefore speculative at this point in time
  • There is a lack of data as to the amount of ingested protein required to maximally stimulate skeletal muscle protein synthesis after resistance-type exercise in younger and older women.
  • Continued research is required to unravel the contribution of ageing versus age-related decreases in physical activity on anabolic resistance and whether or not resistive exercise and/or increases in physical activity can reduce age-related anabolic resistance to protein feeding.
  • Work on masters athletes with above-average fitness and muscular strength will hopefully help researchers decipher the exact nature of anabolic age-related resistance.
  • It is envisaged that this will provide valuable guidance on how best to attenuate these changes through resistive exercise and/or physical activity in addition to nutritional strategies aimed at facilitating maximal muscle protein synthesis.


Churchward-Venne TA. et al. (2016) “What is the Optimal Amount of Protein to Support Post-Exercise Skeletal Muscle Reconditioning in the Older Adult?” Sports Medicine (see here for publication)

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Disclaimer: All contents of the FitGreyStrong website/blog are provided for information and education purposes only. Those interested in making changes to their exercise, lifestyle, dietary, supplement or medication regimens should consult a relevantly qualified and competent health care professional. Those who decide to apply or implement any of the information, advice, and/or recommendations on this website do so knowingly and at their own risk. The owner and any contributors to this site accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any harm caused, real or imagined, from the use or distribution of information found at FitGreyStrong. Please leave this site immediately if you, the reader, find any of these conditions not acceptable.
© FitGreyStrong

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