Tag Archives: meditation

7 Things that Will Surprise You About Meditation Retreats

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Image credit: Benjamin Balazs (Pixabay)

If you’ve been thinking about joining a spiritual retreat in Queensland, Australia or a meditation retreat anywhere else on the planet, you probably have some preconceived ideas about what will happen while you’re there. A National Health Interview Survey found that 8 percent, or 18 million, American adults, have practiced meditation, most of whom use it outside of traditional cultural or religious settings.

Perhaps you envision everyone sitting silently in the lotus position on straw mats wearing crystals, as you try your hardest not to laugh. That vision is likely to be far from the reality, in fact, there are quite a few things that will surprise you about attending a meditation retreat.

A Meditation Retreat Can Be Whatever You Want it to Be

Many meditation retreats offer plenty of flexibility and freedom – your days aren’t structured around a strict schedule but tailored to your particular needs. You can often choose from both relaxation and active pursuits, like swimming, biking, hiking, kayaking, dance, restorative yoga and even big thrills such as zip-lining or swinging through the tops of soaring trees on a giant swing.

Meditation Isn’t Just Sitting

It’s difficult to sit in one position all day long as the body simply isn’t use to sitting motionless for long periods of time. Most retreats include periods of sitting meditation as well as walking meditations. Walking will give your body the chance to unfold and stretch.

You Can Laugh

A meditation retreat isn’t all serious. In fact, laughing is encouraged. Some say it’s a requirement while meditation is the option.

You Don’t Have to Give Up Everything Good

While most meditation retreats offer plenty of healthy meals and are alcohol free, you don’t have to give up everything that’s good. Vegans and vegetarians are likely to find plenty of options, but you don’t have to follow a strict diet. Expect organic, colorful and delicious meals that will provide the fuel your mind and body needs to make the most out of the experience. Meditation after the retreat is meant to add to your life, not take from it. As you practice it’s likely to influence you to make healthier choices, but that doesn’t necessarily mean no more chocolate, coffee, sex and/or alcohol forever.

You Don’t Have to Be an Experienced Meditator

Many guests are brand new to meditating when they arrive at a retreat – it doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner and have never tried it before, or if you’ve been practicing for years. It’s ideal for everyone and a meditation retreat can be a great first step, or a great next step.

You Can Chant, Sing or be Silent

There’s no one proper way to meditate, it’s all up to you. Most retreats allow you to be silent or to use both your inner and outer voices, chanting or singing.

You Don’t Need a Meditation Wardrobe

You don’t have to go out and spend hundreds of dollars on a whole new meditation wardrobe. The goal is to be comfortable, which means what you wear is your own definition of comfort.

Final comments

The FitGreyStrong philosophy encapsulates a full rounded lifestyle approach to improving health, wellbeing and quality of life. Meditation is one key component of that approach that, when done regularly, can significantly contribute to healthy ageing.

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