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12 Reasons Why Older Adults Need To Do Resistance Training Exercise: Part 2

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In part 1 of “12 reasons why older adults need to do resistance training exercise” I outlined some of the benefits to health that have been shown to occur as a result of partaking in regular resistance training exercise. The scientific evidence supporting the inclusion of resistance training as part of a healthy lifestyle is now indisputable. Whilst improvement of health is an obvious goal of many older athletes, it is the enhancement of sports performance that drives many in a quest to remain competitive, both against fellow competitors, but also – somewhat egocentrically – against their younger self. Even if you aren’t an elite masters athlete these benefits as outlined below can be truly life-changing.

Resistance training exercise remains an integral component of programs of most elite sportspeople. Increased maximal strength and power developed through the application of progressive resistance training has been shown to improve performance above and beyond that achieved by limiting training to sports specific training. This is now recognised by sports scientists, exercise physiologists, strength & conditioning experts and coaches.

strength training for over 60 female
Resistance Training Improves Older Athletes Performance (Picture: Pixabay)

Of particular note for older athletes is that the performance benefits may be even greater than that of younger elite athletes. One of the hallmark changes to occur with age is the progressive loss of strength with significant atrophy or loss of skeletal muscle playing a significant role. This fundamental biological change that occurs with ageing manifests in a gradual deterioration of physical function and performance.

However, there is compelling evidence that the trajectory of this decline is modifiable and can be attenuated by lifestyle factors. The data to support regular exercise as a key factor in preserving skeletal muscle and physical function is overwhelming. Resistance training is one of the very best methods currently available for older adults and masters athletes to stimulate the physiological processes required to increase myofibrillar protein synthesis rates, skeletal muscle hypertrophy and muscular strength. These skeletal muscle adaptations lie at the core of why this type of exercise improves the functional performance of older adults and athletic performance of masters athletes.

The following 6 compelling reasons explain why resistance exercise should be included in all training programs of older adults where enhanced performance – for activities of daily living or sporting – are desired.

strength training for over 60 female
Resistance training and bone strength (Picture: Pixabay)

Enhance skeletal health. Stronger bones can handle greater training loads and transfer muscular forces more effectively and efficiently. Bone mineral density (BMD) decreases as we age however this can be slowed by regular physical activity and appropriate nutrition. Risk of musculoskeletal injury is increased when bone strength is decreased with age, especially during falls that can cause catastrophic consequences for some.

Resistance training has been shown to be quite a potent stimulus for improving bone mineral density. Some evidence suggests that plyometric-type or jumping activities also provide an excellent training method to stimulate significant and positive bone adaptation which yields increased BMD and therefore stronger bones.

Masters cyclists as a group are unfortunately at an elevated risk of reduced BMD (weaker bones) due to the non-weight bearing nature of cycling. It is strongly recommended that all masters cyclists – in fact, all cyclists – should perform adjunctive resistance exercise in their training program (see links 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5).

strength training for over 60 female
Resistance Training And Skeletal Muscle (Picture: Google Images)

Maintain or increase lean body mass (skeletal muscle). Remember muscle is critical to both speed and endurance performance. From age 50 onwards muscle loss accelerates but there is a substantial amount of evidence that this is exacerbated by increased sedentarism (inactivity). Resistance training attenuates muscle mass loss.

Ageing is accompanied by reduced muscle mass and this has been mainly attributed to type II muscle fibre atrophy or reduction in size. It is unlikely that there is substantial muscle fibre loss however this remains to be elucidated. In older adults that have demonstrated substantial lean body mass loss and type II muscle fibre atrophy, prolonged resistance training has demonstrated significant increased muscle mass and this was shown to occur exclusively in type II muscle fibres. Nonetheless, some research has shown both type I and type II muscle fibre hypertrophy so more data is required to ascertain whether such things as age, gender, training status and training program parameters, affect muscle fibre changes and responsiveness to resistance training exercise (see links 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

Increased muscular strength, power and speed. Research investigating the effects of progressive resistance training programs demonstrate that muscle strength, power and speed improve, and in many case, quite impressively. In fact, even in nonagenarians, skeletal muscle strength and functional mobility assessed by a gait velocity test improved dramatically (>170% and 48% increase, respectively) after only 8 weeks of resistance training.

As mentioned above, the significant atrophy that occurs with age in fast-twitch type II muscle fibres, directly impacts performance of activities that require speed. Resistance training can reverse some of this decline, restore some of the lost contractile protein of these critical muscle fibres, increase maximum skeletal muscle strength and therefore elicit substantial improvements in movement speed of various specific sporting skills.

Older athletes that are avoiding or not adjusting their program to allow a little time to perform some resistance training exercise are missing out on some incredible benefits (see links 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

strength training for over 60 female
Resistance Training And Body Fat

Lose body fat and get leaner. As outlined above, skeletal muscle mass decreases significantly from age 50 with concomitant decreases in resting metabolic rate (RMR). RMR is the largest component of total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) accounting for 60-80%. Whilst reductions in muscle mass account for a significant proportion of the accommodating changes in RMR, decreasing organ mass and decreases to specific metabolic rates of individual tissues also contribute to the decrease in RMR.

These age-related changes in RMR reduce TDEE. This may contribute to increased adiposity as we grow older given that energy intake to maintain body mass decreases proportionally to the degree of reduction in RMR and TDEE. In other words, if dietary habits and energy intake remains constant over time but RMR and TDEE decrease subsequent to the loss of skeletal muscle, positive energy balance may ensue and fat mass may therefore naturally increase.

Resistance training is well known for stimulating muscle hypertrophy or increasing skeletal muscle mass and has been shown to elicit reductions in fat mass in obesity during ad libitum diets. In contrast, aerobic exercise-induced weight loss consistently leads to reductions in lean body mass and RMR which may make the propensity of rebound fat gain more likely.

Inclusion of resistance training exercise in programs of older athletes or non-athletes doesn’t guarantee that there will be body fat loss (nutrition and diet obviously play a key role) but it certainly makes weight management easier and supports weight loss efforts if modifying the diet in an attempt to get leaner. Much of the research that has investigated the utility of resistance training in older adults demonstrates that it is a very effective fat loss strategy when performed with other lifestyle-based interventions aimed at improving physical function and body composition (see links 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

strength training for over 60 female
Resistance Training And Endurance Performance (Picture: Google Images)

Improves endurance. Resistance training that is designed to increase muscle strength and power has been shown to improve endurance performance. More evidence exists to support such exercise in younger adult athletes as there has been limited research exclusively focused on older athletes.

Nonetheless, the research completed to date is strongly suggestive that resistance training enhances endurance in older athletes and non-athletes. A study conducted in 2010 demonstrated that strength training consisting of 10 sets of 10 repetitions of 1RM load, 3 minutes rest between each set, 3 times/week, increased both knee extensor maximal voluntary contraction torque and cycling efficiency. It is reasonable to postulate that had they utilised a program that incorporated more compound, complex, multi-jointed exercises such as squats and deadlifts – such that all major lower body muscle groups were strengthened – significantly greater cycling economical benefit would have been elicited.

When masters endurance runners were studied after following a resistance training program designed to increase maximal strength (4 sets of 3-4 repetitions at 85-90% of 1RM, two times per week), a significant improvement in running economy at marathon pace (6.1%) and dynamic leg strength (16.3%) was achieved.

It is proposed that the following training adaptations may facilitate endurance performance improvement:

  • the delayed use of the fast-twitch type II muscle fibers;
  • enhanced neuromuscular efficiency;
  • increased proportion of more fatigue-resistant fast-twitch type IIa fibres;
  • improved musculo-tendinous stiffness (see links 1, 2, 3).

strength training for over 60 female
Resistance Training and Injury Prevention (Picture: Google Images)

Reduce injury risk. Regularly performed resistance exercise can minimize the musculoskeletal alterations that occur during ageing. It may also contribute to the health and well-being of the older population.

There is strong evidence that suggests such exercise can prevent and control the development of several chronic musculoskeletal diseases. Improvement of physical fitness, function, and independence in older people, plus successful management of musculoskeletal disorders, results in dramatic improvements in quality of life.

Stronger muscles, bones, connective tissue, ligaments and tendons mean our limbs and joints are more able to handle the rigours of training, competing and activities of daily living (see links 1, 2, 3, 45).

In conclusion, based on the 12 reasons that I have explored which demonstrate profound benefits to both the health, functional and sporting performance of older athletes and non-athletes, resistance training is a must-do and should be a pivotal component of any exercise program.

To read “12 reasons why older adults need to do resistance training exercise: part 1” that explores the health-related benefits in older adults see here.

For local Townsville residents interested in FitGreyStrong’s Exercise Physiology services or exercise programs designed to achieve the mentioned benefits or to enhance athletic performance, contact FitGreyStrong@outlook.com or phone 0499 846 955 for a confidential discussion.

For other Australian residents or oversees readers interested in our services, please see here.

Disclaimer: All contents of the FitGreyStrong website/blog are provided for information and education purposes only. Those interested in making changes to their exercise, lifestyle, dietary, supplement or medication regimens should consult a relevantly qualified and competent health care professional. Those who decide to apply or implement any of the information, advice, and/or recommendations on this website do so knowingly and at their own risk. The owner and any contributors to this site accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any harm caused, real or imagined, from the use or distribution of information found at FitGreyStrong. Please leave this site immediately if you, the reader, find any of these conditions not acceptable.

© FitGreyStrong

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Strength Training Alters The Trajectory Of Ageing

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On a global scale, the number of people over 60 yr is expected to more than double from 841 million in 2012 to more than 2 billion by 2050. This change in demographics will have profound implications for many aspects of life. Furthermore, Government bodies worldwide will be faced with considerable challenges related to aging policy and how best to deal with this new reality.

Of the many things that occur during the ageing process one of the most obvious signs is the loss of skeletal muscle mass (sarcopenia) and strength (dynapenia) with decrements in physical function and potential predisposition to disability. The process whereby there is a gradual loss of muscle mass and concomintant reduction in strength and physical function with ageing – is primarily caused by a loss in number of muscle fibres and preferential loss and atrophy of fast-twitch type-IIx fibres. The loss in fibre number and atrophy and loss of type-IIx fibres may be related to a loss of innervation of muscle fibres and a progressive loss of alpha-motorneurons (see here).

I want to try and explain, therefore, why I think it is so important for anyone over 40 to spend some time in their week lifting weights – or what is more technically known as resistance training (for the short version click here). There has been a significant amount of research conducted to show that one of the very best ways to slow down this process is to perform regular and challenging resistive-based exercise or weight training. Recently, more data has emerged suggesting that an even greater benefit may be achieved with high-velocity power training (see here here). Such training is slightly different to traditional strength training in that exercises are performed with light-to-moderate loads or weight, but movement speed is performed at fast to very fast speeds. Evidence demonstrates that such activity can even reverse some of the changes seen due to the combination of ageing and sedentariness, by specifically stimulating and increasing the strength and size of these fast twitch type-II muscle fibres (see here).

Over 25 years ago a seminal and ground-breaking research study was conducted which completely questioned our scientific understanding of what was possible when very old frail people were exposed to resistance training. In many ways the findings of this study are at the core of why most, if not all people over 40, should be doing some resistance training – colloquially speaking – “pumping iron”. Whilst weight, strength or resistance training may not be everyone’s cup of tea if there is one form of exercise that can substantially and dramatically improve functional physical capacity it is this form of exercise that promises so much.

To show that middle-aged or older adults derive huge benefits from lifting weights and strength training
Lifting weights helps keep older people young

A pivotal moment in my life occurred whilst doing PhD studies in the early 1990s. My project was to review the literature in a chosen area and my area of interest that I had developed for a while by then was resistance training. I had been introduced to this type of exercise as a means to improve athletic performance as an aspiring junior Track & Field athlete. The dramatic improvement in my performance once I had added this to my training program was extraordinary. Since that point in time I have lifted weights regularly and done countless squats, deadlifts, power cleans, tossed tractor tyres, pulled on pulley’s, performed push-ups, stood on Swiss Balls, jumped over hurdles……………………………………

I chose to focus on and study the morphological (structural) and functional changes that occur in human skeletal muscle as we age and what can be done to attenuate or slow these changes down. The simple answer to that question is to perform regular but challenging resistance training.

It was during this literature review that a very important piece of research came to my attention.

The question that had remained largely unanswered was how much of the biological “age-related” decline in muscle size, strength and function is attributable to ageing per se or to the extremely sedentary lifestyles adopted by many people as they grow older?

It is quite clear that both the ageing process and disuse syndromes (meaning no physical activity) contribute to a preferential loss of muscle fibres, specifically type-IIx fibres, and it is these muscle fibres that are involved in movements that require high amounts of force, power and speed. The critical question is, then, to what degree could intervening with a progressive resistance training program alter the trajectory of this decline in muscle strength and function and is it indeed possible to even reverse some portion of the assumed “age-related” decline seen in older people.

The study that everyone should read

The study that was published in JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association) June 13, 1990 by Maria Fiatarone and colleagues (see here) undertook to determine the feasibility and the physiological consequences of high-resistance strength training in the frail elderly. You are probably wondering just how frail. Well, not wanting to mince my words these participants were very frail and were probably coming to the final years or even months of their lives.

Their average age was just over 90, there were 6 women and 4 men, 60% had level 2 pattern of care (meaning they were not independent and required moderate assistance), 8 had a history of falls, 7 habitually used ambulatory assistive devices, there was over 4 chronic diseases per person and daily medications taken per person equated to more than 4. The most common medical diagnoses were osteoarthritis (7 subjects), coronary artery disease (6 subjects), osteoporotic fracture (6 subjects) and hypertension (4 subjects). Four of 10 subjects had anthropometric evidence of undernutrition and a substantial proportion did not obtain the recommended daily allowance for important micronutrients. (Click on graphs for clearer view of results)

To show the difference in cross-sectional area of skeletal muscle in older adults that are independent compared to those that require assistance
Muscle mass versus functional mobility

Muscle accounted for only 31% of the total cross-sectional area of the thigh as determined by CT scans, which meant that there was more fat and bone than muscle and it would be stating the obvious to you that this is not conducive to good balance, strength or functional mobility. Baseline muscle function was terrible with a 6 metre walk taking an average time of 22 seconds to complete with one subject taking almost 1 minute. Many struggled to raise themselves out of a chair without the assistance of their arms. Strength at the beginning of the study was positively correlated with fat-free mass (total muscle) and midthigh muscle area, whereas it was related inversely to time taken to stand from a chair and time to walk 6 metres.

What this means is that those that had more muscle tissue and greater strength at the start of the study (baseline) were able to perform better on the walk test and chair stand by executing these tasks more quickly.

Reduced physical strength and mobility with ageing affects health and wellbeing
The ageing process can be modified with exercise

Now to the interesting part of the study.

The results

Notwithstanding that there were only 10 elderly people involved, the findings were incredible and well beyond what was expected. What was even more surprising was only one simple exercise was employed: unilateral leg extension (i.e. single-leg) using a standard weight-and-pulley system. The 8-week training program used principles of progressive resistance training (in other words, as they got stronger the relative loads were increased), employed concentric and eccentric muscle contractions (whereby the muscle shortens and lengthens whilst under tension), trained 3 times/week completing 3 sets of 8 repetitions of each leg in 6-9 seconds/rep, with 1- to 2- minute rest periods between sets.

In light of their age, their general health status and the fact that they were only doing one simple exercise that primarily focused on the quadricep muscle (thigh) it would be within reason to think that the outcomes of the program would be quite negligible. However, that did not happen and this basically demonstrates that no matter how old, how injured, how dysfunctional you may be, your body and the skeletal muscle you stimulate – by performing challenging physical movement – will not only respond but it will respond quite robustly.

Exercise slows the ageing process and how weight training can increase muscle strength even the those that are 60, 70, 80 years old
Muscle strength improvement follows resistance training

Tolerance of the resistance training program was excellent with 90% completion rate (9 out of 10 finished), and no cardiovascular complications were seen. There was occasional hip and knee discomfort and that would be expected but no analgesics were required and no training sessions were missed. Gains in muscle strength were impressive and after just 8 weeks of training average strength had increased by over 170% and responsiveness to training was not different in men vs women. Some subjects made quite extraordinary gains of almost 400%. Muscle size increased in 5 of the 7 of the subjects that were CT scanned for total midthigh muscle area. Of those with stable body weight, the mean muscle area increases were significant with total midthigh muscle area going up 11.7%, the quadriceps up by 14.5% and the hamstrings/adductors by 10.6%.

Functional mobility accompanied the improvements in strength and muscle hypertrophy (growth). The time taken to complete the walking test improved substantially from 44 seconds to 29 seconds representing a 48% improvement. Two subjects no longer needed canes to walk at the end of the study and one of three subjects who could not initially rise from a chair without the use of their arms became able to do so. Importantly, no subjects experienced falls during the study. The physiological and functional improvements  were truly incredible. The effects of detraining were assessed too (stopped the program) and what this showed was that the gains made were very quickly lost with a significant 32% decrease in maximum strength after only 4 weeks of ceasing the training.

What are the major implications of these findings?

exercise physiology, exercise physiologist, Townsville Queensland Australia
Strength is fundamental to life

The results clearly demonstrated that progressive resistance training at sufficient loads (greater than 80% 1RM; i.e. lifting 80% of the maximum weight you can lift once) can induce dramatic and substantial increases in muscle strength, size and function in frail men and women up to 96 years of age. Achieving such favourable responses to strength training in these subjects is remarkable when one considers their very advanced age, extremely sedentary lifestyles, multiple chronic diseases and functional disabilities, and nutritional inadequacies. What is clear is that the preservation of fat-free mass (muscle) as one ages is a critical factor and directly affects muscle strength in the older person.

Exercise and resistance training specifically, is able to provide the neuromuscular system the appropriate physiological stimulus to reverse and modify a portion of the muscle weakness and functional loss often and simply put down to old age. Re-read that sentence because that is huge!

The final thing I would like to say on this study which deserves comment is that the results are all the more impressive because the subjects performed only one simple exercise (leg extension done unilaterally). Obviously if one employs resistance training exercises that are more complex, multi-jointed and aim to stimulate all the muscles of the upper and lower extremities (using different exercises) the structural and functional improvements would potentially be even greater.

For local Townsville residents interested in FitGreyStrong’s Exercise Physiology services or exercise programs designed to improve muscular strength, physical function (how you move around during the day) and quality of life or programs to enhance athletic performance, contact FitGreyStrong@outlook.com or phone 0499 846 955 for a confidential discussion.

For other Australian residents or oversees readers interested in our services, please see here.

Disclaimer: All contents of the FitGreyStrong website/blog are provided for information and education purposes only. Those interested in making changes to their exercise, lifestyle, dietary, supplement or medication regimens should consult a relevantly qualified and competent health care professional. Those who decide to apply or implement any of the information, advice, and/or recommendations on this website do so knowingly and at their own risk. The owner and any contributors to this site accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any harm caused, real or imagined, from the use or distribution of information found at FitGreyStrong. Please leave this site immediately if you, the reader, find any of these conditions not acceptable.

© FitGreyStrong

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Ageing muscle and the benefits of resistance training: What did we know 30 years ago?

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Changes in morphology and function of ageing human skeletal muscle and the benefits of resistance training

(35 minute read)

The purpose of this literature review is to:

  1. Investigate the age-related changes in human skeletal muscle morphology and function. Alterations in muscle volume, fibre area, fibre number and fibre composition changes, and the evidence of fibre type grouping and loss of functional motor units caused through a continuous neurogenic denervation/reinnervation process will be discussed. The deterioration in physical function and associated changes of reduced muscle strength, power and speed of muscle contraction, and questions concerning whether or not a loss of intrinsic muscle strength occurs with age, will be investigated. 
  2. Explore the effects of resistance training in older adults and propose that instead of conceptualising the course of musculoskeletal decline as an immutable age-related process, changes in physical function across the lifespan can, in fact, be positively affected and potentially altered by physical activity and exercise. Resistance training will be recommended as such an activity that can provide significant benefits for the older individual by substantially improving muscle strength and power, eliciting muscle hypertrophy and enhancing functional mobility.


Ageing is an inevitable consequence of all living creatures. Human beings are locomotive animals and contraction of muscular structures enable the skeletal system to move. Social expectations appear to support the decline of activity with advancing age (Ostrow and Dzewaltowski, 1986), thus making the age-related changes, a biopsychosocial phenomenon. Physical disuse will cause significant changes in human skeletal muscle structure and function (Lexell, 1993; Vandervoort and McComas, 1986). These alterations through disuse show a dramatic resemblance to age-related changes (Bortz, 1982). This prompts the suggestion that some of the deterioration evident in the neuromuscular system of the human, can be counteracted by appropriate levels of physical activity (Klitgaard, Marc, Brunet, Vandewalle and Monod, 1989a).  

With advancing age muscle volume declines, with a concomitant reduction in production of high muscle forces. This has been attributed to a continuous denervation/reinnervation process that causes a loss of functional motor units, due to the reinnervation capacity becoming so diminished that the fibres are consequently lost (Lexell, 1993). This process has been viewed as the major determinant of the decreasing muscle cross-sectional area with age. This loss of muscle mass appears to be the primary explanation of the significant reduction in strength (Rogers and Evans, 1993).

The intervention with resistance training or adherence to some form of resistive type exercise may have considerable effects on the ability of human skeletal muscle to maintain structure and function (Sipila and Suominen, 1993). Evidence strongly suggests that a progressive resistance training program may help improve the functional status of older individuals, with increments in strength and improvements in morphology (Fiatarone, Marks, Ryan, Meredith, Lipsitz and Evans, 1990). It is recommended that activity levels be maintained throughout the lifespan to ensure optimal functioning of the neuromuscular system, which will help sustain good quality of life and overall health.



Human skeletal muscle can be divided into two different, but complementary fibre types which are based on their metabolic, ultrastructural, and physiological characteristics (Klitgaard, Mantoni, Schiaffino, Ausoni, Gorza, Laurent-Winter, Schnohr and Saltin, 1990; Komi, 1988; Rogers and Evans, 1993). Type I and II human skeletal muscle fibres vary significantly in their ability to generate force and also have differing fatigue indexes (Komi, 1988). Type I muscle fibres have a slow rate of force production, are fatigue resistant, have a low level of actomyosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity, low glycolytic capacity, high mitochondrial density and therefore predominant during recruitment in aerobic activities of submaximal intensity (Komi, 1988; McArdle, Katch and Katch, 1986; Rogers and Evans, 1993). Conversely, type II fibres generate large amounts of force very rapidly, but are highly fatigable. This fibre type has been further sub-divided into type IIa and type IIb, with even suggestion of a type IIc muscle fibre (McArdle et al., 1986). The type IIa fibre is commonly referred to as the intermediate fibre of type I and type IIb (McArdle et al., 1986; Rogers and Evans, 1993), as it has a relatively fast rate of force production, but is also fatigue resistant (Komi, 1988). The type IIb fibre, in contrast, possesses the greatest anaerobic potential, with a large actomyosin ATPase activity, high peak and rate of force development and relatively low mitochondria (McArdle et al., 1986; Rogers and Evans, 1993). Research investigating human skeletal muscle morphology across the lifespan, most frequently report changes in fibre types I, IIa, and IIb.  


The volume of skeletal muscle is known to reduce with increasing age. However, whether this can be ascribed to ageing per se, or to other external factors, such as disuse (Bortz, 1982; Evans, 1992; Munnings, 1993) via decreasing activity levels, remains to be fully substantiated. Moreover, are the findings of Ostrow and colleagues (1981, 1986, 1987) which reveal that there are socially constructed levels of activity that are deemed appropriate to individuals of increasing age, and these beliefs and values are instilled in children as young as three years old. Evidently, the age-related changes that occur in human skeletal muscle are not just biologically influenced.

The observable decline in volume of ageing skeletal muscle can be explained through the findings of several investigations that demonstrate significant atrophy of type II muscle fibres, while the size of type I fibres remaining more or less unaffected (Clarkson, Kroll and Melchionda, 1981; Coggan, Spina, King, Rogers, Brown, Nemeth and Holloszy, 1992; Grimby et al., 1982; Larsson et al., 1979; Larsson et al., 1978; Larsson and Karlsson, 1978; Lexell and Taylor, 1991; Lexell et al., 1988; Oertel, 1986; Scelsi, Marchetti and Poggi, 1980; Stalberg, Borges, Ericsson, Essen-Gustavsson, Fawcett, Nordesjo, Nordgren and Uhlin, 1989; Trappe, Costill, Fink, Pearson and Vukovich, 1993). In addition to the decrease in size of type II fibres, there is also a progressive loss in number of muscle fibres, with both fibre types I and II being affected similarly (Lexell, 1992; Lexell et al., 1988). 

Fibre Area Changes- Type IIa versus Type IIb

Based on the selective atrophy of type II muscle fibres, it appears that the sub-types, IIa and IIb are affected dissimilarly with increasing age. In a longitudinal study conducted by Aniansson, Hedberg, Henning and Grimby (1986) no change in type I fibre area was observed over 7 years in 70 to 80 year old men, but type IIa and IIb fibre areas declined by 14 per cent and 25 per cent, respectively. In line with these findings were the results of Grimby et al. (1982) that showed (Figure 2: 130) decreases in type IIa fibre areas of 28.0 per cent and type IIb areas of 40.0 per cent, from approximately 20 to 80 years of age. The difference in the rates of decline with age between type IIa and type IIb fibre area illustrate the functional differences between these fibre types. This led Grimby et al. (1982) to suggest that these two subgroups should be separated in studies researching the relationship between function and morphology of human skeletal muscle. Other studies (Coggan et al., 1992; Klitgaard et al., 1990) have shown greater atrophy in older populations of type IIb muscle fibres as compared to type IIa fibres, implying that the age-related effects on human skeletal muscle morphology to be more extensive in type IIb fibres (Aoyagi and Shephard, 1992; Rogers and Evans, 1993). 


The reduction of muscle volume evident with increasing age may be mediated through not only a selective atrophy of type II muscle fibres, but also a change in the number of muscle fibres (Lexell and Downham, 1992). Work conducted by Lexell and colleagues (1988) demonstrated that the reduction in fibre size was moderate in comparison to the muscle volume reduction and therefore corresponded to the highly significant relationship found between the total number of fibres and muscle area. It was concluded that ageing atrophy seems to be caused by both a loss in fibre number (type I and type II equally affected) and decline of muscle fibre size (primarily type II fibres). At present, Lexell (1993) believes that the cross-sectional area (of the vastus lateralis muscle) is predominantly determined by the total number of fibres, and to a lesser extent by the size and/or the number of type II fibres. Hence, the current explanation for the decrease in muscle area with increasing age suggests that this is driven by an absolute loss of muscle fibres.

This position is supported by a recent project conducted by Klitgaard, Brunet, Maton, Lamaziere, Lesty and Monod (1989b) that assessed the influence of ageing and activity on the histochemical and metabolic characteristics of skeletal muscle in male wistar rats. The smaller muscle mass observed with ageing in the rats was initially attributed to an atrophy of fibre types followed by a marked hypoplasia or reduction in fibre number. There are difficulties though in extending these findings of animal studies to humans, yet such insights continue to remain a valuable tool to understanding the changing morphology of ageing human skeletal muscle. Additionally, there is the problem of the interpretation of results of studies using the muscle biopsy technique to assess age-related changes in muscle morphology due to the very small amount of muscle taken (Lexell, 1993; Lexell and Taylor, 1991; Rogers and Evans, 1993), and thereby suggests that the projects of Lexell and colleagues represent the most definitive data produced to date.


The effects of ageing on muscle fibre composition is contentious, although the extensive and recent cross-sectional projects conducted by Lexell and Downham (1992) and Lexell et al. (1988) support the position that the proportion of type II fibres remain unaffected by increasing age. However, most of the existing data has come from cross-sectional comparisons between different subgroups (Buskirk and Segal, 1989) and highlights the need for more longitudinal investigations.

Initial studies researching the effects of ageing on the distribution of type I and type II fibres reported a diminished proportion of type II muscle fibres and corresponding increase in type I muscle fibres. Larsson, Sjodin and Karlsson (1978) found that 20 to 29 year old insurance company clerks (n=11), of fairly low physical activity status had a distribution consisting of 40.5 per cent type I fibres in contrast to 55.0 per cent type I fibres in the 60 to 65 year old group (n=10). These results were further supported with later projects by Larsson, Grimby and Karlsson (1979), Larsson et al. (1978) and Scelsi, Marchetti and Poggi (1980) that showed a decrease in percentage type II fibre distribution. In the latter study, 45 nonwasted and noncachectic subjects aged 65 to 89 years of age were assessed and the 65 to 70 year old subjects had a 64.0 per cent expression of type I muscle fibres in comparison to the 81 to 89 year old group where 74.6 per cent of the muscle fibre population was comprised of type I fibres.    

The observation that a decreased percentage of type II fibres in human skeletal muscle is a result of the ageing process is further substantiated by a very recent study conducted by Trappe and co-workers (1993). The effects of ageing on muscle fibre composition in runners was examined after an 18-year period. Twenty male subjects (age= 51.6 +/- 3.1 years) had a muscle biopsy repeated on the gastrocnemius for histochemical analysis. The muscle samples taken in 1992 had significantly changed over the 18-year period, with the proportion of type I fibres increasing from 55.0 +/- 4.4 to 66.2 +/- 4.8 per cent. This longitudinal project provides much needed data on fibre compositional changes as a result of ageing. Nevertheless, extrapolation to all human muscles is problematic due to muscle assessment technique used.

Other investigations have produced data that is discordant, however, when compared to the abovementioned studies. These contend, to the contrary, that fibre type distribution does in fact remain unaltered (Clarkson, Kroll and Melchionda, 1981; Grimby, Danneskiold-Samsoe, Hvid and Saltin, 1982; Lexell and Downham, 1992; Lexell et al., 1988). Clarkson and colleagues (1981) found a coincident fibre type I percentage of 40.7 for their young subjects when compared to Larsson et al. (1978) value of 40.5 per cent for their 20 to 29-year-old group. However, muscle fibre type composition did not change in favour of type I in Clarkson et al. (1981) study, when young and old groups were compared. This finding was supported by Grimby et al. (1982) who found that muscle fibre composition in 78 to 81-year-old men and women did not differ between either gender or the younger sedentary subjects.

At present, most studies that have evaluated the ageing process on muscle fibre composition have used the muscle biopsy technique. Consequently, only a very small percentage of whole human muscles can be analysed, which thereby limits our knowledge of the composition of individual human muscles at different ages and the variability between individuals (Lexell, 1993; Lexell and Taylor, 1991). However, Lexell and associates (1986, 1988, 1991, 1992) have been able to prepare and analyse cross-sections of whole human muscles from autopsies and have thus overcome the problems inherent in muscle biopsy techniques.

The results from Lexell, Downham and Sjostrom’s (1986) investigation showed that muscle fibre composition did not alter significantly between the ages of 15 and 83 years in men. The proportion of type I fibres was 49 +/- 5 per cent compared to 51 +/- 9 per cent, respectively. It therefore appears that individual human muscle retains its proportion of fibre types from the second decade up to and including the eighth decade of life. Nonetheless, establishing clarity regarding muscle fibre composition changes with ageing is difficult due to the shortcomings of both cross-sectional and muscle biopsy research. Therefore, it remains open to debate as to whether or not muscle fibre composition alters toward an increased expression of type I fibres. 


The progressive loss of both muscle fibre types can be caused by either damage to the fibres, which are then unable to be repaired and regenerated, or a permanent loss of contact between the nerves and the muscle fibres (Rogers and Evans, 1993; Lexell et al., 1988). Myopathic changes in ‘normal’ ageing skeletal muscle are rarely seen, whereas extensive neuropathic changes are quite common (Grimby et al., 1982; Lexell et al., 1988). Increased fibre type grouping (Grimby et al., 1982; Lexell et al., 1986; Scelsi et al., 1980), loss of functional motor units (Brown, Strong and Snow, 1988; Stalberg et al., 1989; Vandervoort and McComas, 1986) and degeneration of the end plate complex (Wokke, Jennekens, van den Oord, Veldman, Smit and Leppink, 1990) have all been seen as evidence of a continuous denervation and reinnervation process, whereby some motoneurons increase their own motor unit area (Oertel, 1986; Vandervoort, 1992). This age-related progressive neurogenic process may begin before 50 years of age and must be a major factor in the loss of muscle fibres with increasing age (Lexell et al., 1986).  

Fibre Type Grouping and Enclosed Fibres

Several projects (Grimby et al., 1982; Lexell et al., 1986; Oertel, 1986) have investigated the fibre type arrangement in muscles at various ages, and an incremental occurrence of fibre type grouping – assessed as the number of enclosed fibres [a fibre surrounded entirely by fibres with the same histochemical properties (Lexell et al., 1986)] – was noticed in older individuals. In the study conducted by Lexell and associates (1986), the old group (men between 71 to 83 years of age), had a significantly higher proportion of enclosed fibres (21 per cent), than the proportion for the middle group, aged 49 to 56 years of age (6 per cent), and the young group, aged 15 to 35 years of age (6 per cent). It was concluded that fibre type arrangement was segregated and ungrouped in young muscles of 25 years and less. From 30 to 60 years of age, the arrangement of fibre types was random, in contrast to age 60 and above where an excess of enclosed fibre type grouping was evident. Fibre type grouping therefore seems to be a normal part of the ageing process in old muscle.  

This process of fibre type grouping has recently been noticed to not only affect the m. vastus lateralis (Aniansson, Zetterberg, Hedberg and Henriksson, 1984; Lexell et al., 1988; Lexell et al., 1986), but additionally, the deltoid muscle as recognised by Oertel (1986). This study also analysed the frequently biopsied vastus lateralis muscle for comparisons with previously reported data. Results indicated that small and large fibre type groupings were age-related, with fibre type grouping in small groups predominating in autopsy specimens up to 40 years of age.  Conversely, large groups of fibre type grouping were demonstrated in cases over 60 years of age. The earlier investigation by Scelsi et al. (1980) confirmed the large fibre type grouping occurs at an accelerating rate after 70 years of age. His findings displayed extensive grouping of fibres in the m. vastus lateralis in 45 healthy sedentary men and women between 65 and 89 years of age. There was a dramatic increase in significant fibre type grouping from the age group 65 to 70 years of age (5 per cent of cases) as compared to the 81 to 89-year-old group (60 per cent of cases).

The results of Grimby et al. (1982) concur with these findings where fibre type grouping and enclosed fibres were more prevalent in subjects of 70 years and older. Interestingly, however, was the significant and exclusive grouping and enclosure of type I fibres in the m. vastus lateralis of the elderly 78 to 81-year-old men and women. This differed from the biopsy samples taken from the bicep brachii, which showed far fewer enclosed fibres and groupings. When comparing Oertel’s (1986) and Grimby et al. (1982) studies, discrepancies appear with respect to fibre type grouping in upper and lower extremities. The former study found a similar degree of fibre type grouping in lower and upper body segments, in contrast to the latter study that found significant differences between the amount and degree of fibre grouping in lower and upper segments. These discordant findings may be related to the different techniques used (autopsy versus muscle biopsy) to assess the microscopic morphological alterations in ageing muscle, and the specific variation in the muscle groups (m. vastus lateralis, deltoid and biceps brachii) studied.

Motor Unit Loss

Research exploring the phenomenon of motor unit losses supports the hypothesis that there is an ongoing denervation and reinnervation of the motoneuron pool, and this produces an increase in motor unit areas (Brown et al., 1988; Stalberg et al., 1989; Vandervoort and McComas, 1986). Brown and associates (1988) established that there was a decline in the number of motor units in the biceps-brachialis muscles, especially in the older subjects. Estimations suggest that the complement of motor units in subjects in the third decade had declined to about half in subjects over 60 years of age. This represents a loss of about 10 to 20 motor units per year, or approximately one per cent of the total per year (Brown et al., 1988).

The motor unit number decrement in 65 clinically healthy subjects, aged 20-70 years (31 females and 34 males) was also assessed in the m. vastus lateralis by Stalberg et al. (1989) through electrophysiological methods. The fibre density parameter was calculated from 20 recording sites and was taken as being indicative of the average number of muscle fibres per motor unit. A technique called macro EMG amplitude was used coincidently with the fibre density parameter and was representative of the overall size of the motor unit(s) complex. Results demonstrated that fibre density increased linearly with age in both sexes, with an approximate 56 percent difference between 20 and 70-year-old subjects. This increase in fibre density implies that motor unit reorganization via a denervation/reinnervation process occurs with age. The concomitant increases in macro EMG amplitude of 27 to 36 per cent in age groups of 60 to 70 years, compared with 20 to 50-year olds, indicated that there had been an overall increase in motor unit size. Vandervoort and McComas (1986) found a reduction of functioning motor units in the soleus muscle of approximately 70 per cent in men and women between 80 to 100 years of age, after comparison with the young and middle-aged adults. This is consistent with previous studies that have displayed a tendency for the remaining motor units to become progressively larger (Rogers and Evans, 1993). This alteration in motor unit size has been viewed by Stalberg and co-workers (1989) as a compensatory process due to the loss of motor units with age. 

Taken together, these results demonstrate that the muscle fibre population is continuously undergoing a denervation and reinnervation process with advancing age. This accelerating loss of functioning motor units appears to begin around 50 years of age (Lexell, 1993). The loss of muscle fibres, and muscle volume can therefore be attributed largely to this alteration and loss of the motor unit pool with advancing age (Lexell et al., 1986).



The linear relationship that exists between muscle cross-sectional area and strength is well acknowledged (Aoyagi and Shephard, 1992; McArdle et al., 1986). With increasing age there is an accelerating and progressive reduction in muscle volume as determined by cross-sections of whole human muscles (Lexell et al., 1988), various radiological techniques (Greig, Botella and Young, 1993; Overend, Cunningham, Kramer, Lefcoe and Paterson, 1992; Rice, Cunningham, Paterson and Lefcoe, 1989; Sipila and Suominen, 1993; Sipila and Suominen, 1991; Vandervoort and McComas, 1986; Young, Stokes and Crowe, 1984), hydrostatic weighing techniques (Frontera, Hughes, Lutz and Evans, 1991), creatinine excretion determination (Frontera et al., 1991; Kallman, Plato and Tobin, 1990) and less specific anthropometric measurements (Bassey, Fiatarone, O’Neill, Kelly, Evans and Lipsitz, 1992; Kallman et al., 1990; Larsson et al., 1979; Rice, Cunningham, Paterson and Rechnitzer, 1989). This reduction in muscle volume with increasing age correlates closely to the observable decline in muscle strength (Kallman et al., 1990; Overend et al., 1992; Sipila and Suominen, 1991). The quantitative loss of contractile protein, mainly attributed to a loss of muscle fibres due to muscular and/or neural alterations (Lexell et al., 1988) in addition to a selective atrophy of type II fibres (Grimby et al., 1982; Lexell and Downham, 1991) is but one explanation for the decline of strength with increasing age. Other potential factors include a decrease in the ability of skeletal muscle to generate tension due to localized changes (for example, a change in fibre length or angle), a reduced capacity of the central nervous system to activate motor units, or a combination of all these mechanisms (Frontera et al., 1991).

The projects of Lexell et al. (1988) and Rice et al. (1989a) clearly demonstrate that muscle volume declines with age. Lexell et al. (1988) reported that reduction of the m. vastus lateralis muscle begins as early as 25 years of age, and that by age 50 approximately 10 percent of the muscle area is lost. This was determined through cross-sections of whole human muscles from autopsies performed on previously healthy 15- to 83-year-old males. Assessment of muscle volume from age 50 to 80 years of age indicate that there is an accelerated reduction with close to half of the muscle area wasted. 

The computed tomography scans that were taken by Rice et al. (1989a) demonstrated that total cross-sectional area of the elderly (65-90 years of age) arm flexors and extensors were 31 and 25 per cent smaller, respectively, than the young subjects (25-38 years of age). In contrast, the plantar flexor cross-sectional area of the elderly was only 22 per cent smaller. However, when comparisons were made between the elderly and young groups, non-muscle tissue components of the arm flexors, extensors and plantar flexors were considerably higher (27%, 45% and 81%, respectively). The net effect of these findings demonstrated a similar decline in contractile tissue of the elbow flexors (36 per cent), elbow extensors (28 per cent) and plantar flexors (35 per cent). The authors concluded that an accelerated infiltration of non-muscle tissue may occur in the plantar flexors beyond after 70-75 years of age.

Young, Stokes and Crowe (1984) studied the cross-sectional area and strength of the quadriceps muscles through compound ultrasound imaging and isometric strength assessment, in old (71-81 years) and young (20-29 years) women. The results indicated that the older women were 35 per cent weaker than the young women and their quadriceps cross-sectional area was 33 per cent less. Conversely, Larsson and associates (1979) observed that, between 20 and 69 years of age, men showed a decline in isometric quadriceps strength, but no change in thigh circumference as determined anthropometrically. However, alterations in body composition toward increasing connective tissue and inter- and intra-muscular adipose deposits may account for the indiscernible changes in cross-sectional area when determined anthropometrically (Sipila and Suominen, 1993).

Bassey and associates (1992) contend however, that power is more sensitive to age-related losses than strength, and is therefore a more relevant measurement. Consequently, the assessment of leg extensor power of 13 men, (mean age= 88 +/- 1.6 years) and 13 women (mean age= 86 +/- 1.5 years) was undertaken. This enabled a comparison to be made with previous data on non-athletic young adults (Bassey and Short, 1990). The results showed that the elderly subjects had about 20 per cent of the muscle power found in non-athletic young adults (Bassey and Short, 1990). In comparison, there is much greater power loss with age versus strength loss (Greig et al., 1993; Rice et al., 1989b; Young et al., 1984). This difference was ascribed to the recruitment patterns of the muscle power and muscle strength being somewhat dissimilar. The speed component of power increases the dependency on recruitment of type II fibres and this is consistent with the findings that these fibres are selectively atrophied with age (Lexell et al., 1988; Trappe et al., 1993). 

Another recent cross-sectional study (Frontera et al., 1991) assessed the isokinetic strength of the elbow (60 and 180 degrees per second) and knee (60 and 240 degrees per second) extensors and flexors in 200 healthy 45 to 78-year-old men and women. In addition, body composition determinations were estimated via hydrostatic weighing, for fat-free mass, and creatinine excretion (representative of muscle mass). Muscle mass determinations were based on work conducted by Heymsfield, Arteaga, McManus, Smith and Moffit (1983) that estimated the equivalence of 18.5 kilograms of muscle for every gram of urinary creatinine.

The results indicated that absolute isokinetic strength of the knee extensors and flexors was 20.0 and 22.0 per cent lower in elderly men, and 17.6 and 15.5 per cent lower in elderly women than the younger groups of the same gender, respectively. For the elbow extensors and flexors isokinetic strength was 20.0 and 20.8 per cent lower in older men, and 22.2 and 16.7 per cent lower in older women. Such age-related strength losses imply that both upper and lower segments decrease at a similar rate. Interestingly, when strength was adjusted for fat-free mass, the age-related differences were only statistically significant for knee extensor torque when tested isokinetically at 240 degrees per second. This suggests that strength loss with age can be primarily be attributed to the loss of muscle mass, whereas the loss of power when performing high speed leg extension movement is due to both the loss of muscle mass and neurological deficits  onetheless, it was suggested that a differential loss of strength occurred between the upper and lower extremity muscles, with a faster decline in the strength of the knee extensors and knee flexors, than in the elbow extensors and elbow flexors muscle groups with advancing age (Shelley, Snow-Harter, Robinson, Wegner and Shaw, 1993). This incongruity with the data, does however, place doubts on the validity of whether differing rates of strength losses do actually occur between upper and lower limbs with advancing age. Reasons for this possible variation between upper and lower extremities, can be ascribed to a possible decreasing use of lower limb muscles and paralleling drop in forceful contractions, as compared to upper limb muscles, thus contributing to the type II fibre atrophy known to occur with age (Grimby et al., 1982; Lexell et al., 1988; Trappe et al., 1993).

Very few longitudinal studies have investigated the loss of muscle strength and/or muscle cross-sectional area with age. Aniansson et al. (1986) found that quadriceps muscle strength decreased by 10 to 22 per cent at five different contraction velocities in 23 men aged 73-83 years over a 7-year period. This contrasted to a small reduction in body weight (2 per cent) and total body cell mass (6 per cent). This strongly highlights the need to discriminate between muscle tissue and non-muscle tissue components, so that the relative contribution of the loss of muscle tissue to the observed decline in muscle strength with age can be established.

Kallman and associates (1990) studied the effects of ageing on grip strength from a longitudinal and cross-sectional perspective. Grip strength and muscle mass (as estimated by creatinine excretion and forearm circumference) were measured in 847 healthy subjects, aged 20-100 years, from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Both perspectives concur that grip strength increases into the fourth decade of life and declines from thereon at an accelerating rate. What is of interest, however, is the findings that show not all subjects lose grip strength as they age. Subjects less than 40 years of age, 40-59 years of age and older than 60 years, showed no observable decline amounting to 48, 29, and 15 per cent, respectively, in grip strength during the 9-year average period of the study. Furthermore, results indicated through comparisons of actual strength to strength predicted by forearm girth or creatinine excretion, that subjects up until 55 years of age are stronger than predicted. After this, older subjects are weaker than predicted, with the difference between actual and estimated strength, increasing in the older age groups.

Kallman et al. (1990) also conducted a regression analysis of individual rates of change of grip strength on rates of change of muscle mass, as estimated by creatinine excretion, and found that there was no relationship between how fast subjects lost muscle mass and how fast they lost grip strength. This strongly suggests the decline in grip strength with increasing age requires other explanations beyond declining muscle mass. The authors consequently viewed alterations in muscle fibre composition and motoneuron abnormalities [denervation/reinnervation process whereby the larger motor units become less efficient (Lexell et al. (1993)] as possible age-related changes contributing to the study’s results.

Very recently Greig and co-workers (1993) produced data that was incongruous with Kallman et al. (1990) study after retesting the quadriceps strength of 14 healthy elderly subjects (ranging in age from 79-89 years) from an original study conducted 8 years previously that consisted of 37 healthy women and men. The difficulties of longitudinal studies become clearly apparent with only 14 subjects able to be traced for the follow-up study. Nevertheless, comparisons made in respect to the original findings were seen as highly valid and reliable. Lifestyle patterns over the intervening years had remained similar, with activity patterns, in particular, demonstrating no significant alterations. It should be emphasised that the data reported from this project is unique. Presently, there does not appear to be any longitudinal research relating specifically to leg extensor strength in people 79-89 years of age.

Following a comparison of the data collected for this investigation, statistical analysis demonstrated no significant evidence for any loss of isometric quadriceps strength at all (95 per cent confidence interval: loss of 1.4 % to gain of 0.8 % per annum). This lack of strength loss appears astounding, given the advanced age of these subjects. Cross-sectional studies consistently suggest that muscle strength peaks in the third decade, followed by relatively well maintained levels up until approximately 50 years of age, declining at about 15 per cent per decade in the sixth and seventh decade, and accelerating to 30 per cent per decade thereafter (Buskirk and Segal, 1989; Danneskiold-Samsoe et al., 1984; Frontera et al., 1991; Kallman et al., 1990; Larsson and Karlsson, 1978 (Fig 1): 132; Rogers and Evans, 1993; Stalberg et al., 1989). This cross-sectional data implies that strength losses should be clearly evident and significant in the eighth and ninth decades of life. On the contrary, however, was the lack of change in strength of the subjects involved in Greig et al. (1993) study. In addition and most importantly are the implications from this (first) longitudinal study which confirm some authors opinions (Bortz, 1982; Lexell and Taylor, 1991), which have suggested quite clearly that physical inactivity may play a highly significant role in the age-related muscle function alterations.

With the maintenance of strength levels in Greig et al. (1993) study, it was postulated that the high levels of habitual physical activity led to an attenuation in the decline of muscle strength. Furthermore, it was speculated that an unusual slow rate of loss of strength is “a favourable ‘risk factor’ for ‘successful ageing’ explaining the predominance of this feature amongst our subjects” (1993: 10). Perhaps the only disappointing aspect of this study, however, was the assessment of the cross-sectional area of the quadriceps muscle, which was done originally with ultrasonography and repeated with CT scanning in the follow-up study (ultrasonography was not available). Although ultrasonography is highly correlated with CT scanning, the latter is reported to yield on average, 30 per cent larger cross-sectional areas (Sipila and Suominen, 1993). For this reason, the results of Greig et al. (1993), that indicated a 0.8 per cent decrease in cross-sectional area per annum, should be interpreted with caution. It seems possible, in the authors opinion that the change from ultrasonography to computed tomography may have concealed some of the reduction in cross-sectional area. This would therefore imply that other factors are influencing the maintenance of strength, apart from cross-sectional area. This can be clarified when it is acknowledged that strength levels remained statistically similar, while concomitantly, cross-sectional area appeared to decrease.

The results of the abovementioned investigation calls into question the conclusions of many cross-sectional studies cited above. Furthermore, the data presented by Aniansson et al. (1986), which emerged from a longitudinal analysis, is in direct opposition to the recent findings of Greig et al. (1993). Nevertheless, the discrepancy between these two investigations has been attributed to the contrasting levels of habitual activity, with the subjects of the former study seemingly far less habitually active than the subjects of the latter study. Many factors, such as levels of physical activity, nutritional status, disease status, and mental attitude (Buskirk and Segal, 1989) exacerbate the difficulty of producing valid, reliable and representative data for the age-related changes in morphology and function of human skeletal muscle, from both longitudinal and cross-sectional perspectives. Hence, the establishment of concordance on whether the age-related changes are due primarily to ageing per se, or perhaps on the other hand, disuse, remain open to debate. 

INTRINSIC MUSCLE STRENGTH- Problems with determining maximal voluntary force to cross-sectional area (MVF/CSA)

The assessment of the ratio of maximal voluntary force to muscle cross-sectional area (MVF/CSA) has been investigated in several projects (Frontera et al., 1991; Kallman et al., 1990; Overend et al., 1992; Phillips, Bruce, Newton and Woledge, 1992; Vandervoort and McComas, 1986; Young et al., 1984) in an attempt to establish whether losses of muscle strength are partially due to human skeletal muscle becoming intrinsically weaker with increasing age. The difficulty, however, of accurately determining this parameter are well acknowledged (Frontera et al., 1991; Phillips et al., 1992; Sipila and Suominen, 1993) as there are a multitude of factors and many confounding variables, which thereby produce spurious data, results, and therefore conclusions.

Accurate determination of MVC/CSA depends on precise measurement of both factors in the ratio (Overend et al., 1992). The variability in the constituencies (that is, muscle and non-muscle components) of elderly and young cross-sectional areas, incorporates a considerable chance of making incorrect comparisons once MVC/CSA is ascertained. Of relevance here in the denervation/reinnervation process which has been extensively addressed by Lexell and associates (1988). Having established earlier that the muscle fibre population undergoes continuous denervation and reinnervation with increasing age (most likely caused through an accelerating loss of functioning motor units), a phase will be reached where the reinnervation capacity is so compromised that the muscle fibres are permanently denervated and correspondingly, lost. Subsequently, this loss of contractile tissue is replaced by adipose and fibrous tissue. Estimations indicate that for younger individuals (15-35 years) approximately 70 per cent of the muscle area is comprised of muscle fibres. The elderly (70-80+ years) muscle CSA on the other hand, shows a disparate constitution of muscle fibres when compared to younger muscle CSA. Estimations in this age bracket, predict approximately 50 per cent of muscle CSA is composed of muscle fibres and the other 50 per cent is adipose and connective tissue. This is in line with other studies (Rice at al., 1989a; Sipila and Suominen, 1991; Young et al., 1984) that have shown increasing amounts of intra-muscular connective tissue and infiltration of fat deposits into lean tissue, with advancing age. In light of these findings it is clear that an overestimation of effective cross-sectional area could result through indefinitive measurements, which would thereupon underestimate the MVF/CSA.

Additionally, Phillips and associates (1992) have recognised that the fibre type arrangement will also influence MVF/CSA. Studies investigating muscle groups with complex pennate fibre arrangements (for example, the quadriceps femoris group), should realise that the cross-sectional area of the muscle will not be the same as the summated cross-sectional area of all the fibres. The interaction between this observation and the aforementioned findings of Lexell et al. (1988) may further complicate the accurate assessment of MVF/CSA in young and old subjects.

Presently, there is evidence which has demonstrated the considerable error associated with in vivo techniques when calculating cross-sectional areas. Sipila and Suominen (1993) found, as mentioned previously, that computed tomography produced 30 per cent larger cross-sectional areas than ultrasonography. This difference was partly due to the thick connective tissue fasciae surrounding different muscles and groups of muscles. These components were discernible and therefore left out from the cross-sectional areas when using ultrasonography, in contrast to computed tomography where they had to be included as they were indiscernible. Another problem included the incapacious ability of both techniques to clearly indicate the medial border of the vastus medialis. All of the abovementioned problems pose serious questions about the validity of the findings to date related to MVF/CSA as presented below.

INTRINSIC MUSCLE STRENGTH (MVF/CSA) – Does it decline with increasing age?

The decline of strength with increasing age is a multifactorial phenomenon, that is perhaps caused by a combination of declining muscle mass and alterations in muscle contractility (Rogers and Evans, 1993). There is evidence to suggest that the reduction of strength may be greater than the absolute loss of muscle mass (Kallman et al., 1990; Overend et al., 1992). Vandervoort and McComas (1986) found that the decline in the cross-sectional areas of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles with age (20-100 years of age) could not account for the absolute decrease in voluntary plantarflexor strength. This suggested that the capacity to generate force per unit of cross-sectional area had been affected in the older subjects. Nonetheless, these authors believed that the decrease was probably due, in part, toward an increase representation of non-contractile tissue in the cross-sectional area.

Overend and co-workers (1992) assessed the relationship between isometric and isokinetic-concentric knee extensor and flexor strength, and quadriceps and hamstring cross-sectional area in 13 young (age 19-34) and 12 elderly (age 65-77) men. The results were inconclusive in relation to whether MVF/CSA decreased or remained similar with advancing age. Absolute isometric strength in the elderly men decreased significantly from the younger subjects, however, this could be explained by the smaller cross-sectional areas. In contrast, the decrease in isokinetic-concentric strength was greater than could be accounted for by the decrease in muscle cross-sectional area. In another study conducted Cunningham, Morrison, Rice and Cooke (1987) isokinetic torques at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 180 degrees per second were assessed in young (21.7 +/- 2.0 years) and older (63.3 +/- 2.8 years) men. It was shown that age was a significant factor of plantar flexion torque at 180 degrees per second, but not at all at the lower velocity of 30 degrees per second. Both of these projects were completed at the same laboratory, and the cause of the observable decrements in MVF/CSA and torque values were ascribed, in part, to the preferential atrophy of type II fibres in elderly men.

The dissimilarity between the cross-sectional area of a complex pennate muscle (for example, vastus lateralis) and the summated cross-sectional area of all the fibres in that muscle, has the influence of causing relatively weak correlations between MVF and cross-sectional area. This led Phillips and associates (1992) to investigate one of the mechanisms (that is, activation) by which MVF/CSA is reduced in the adductor pollicis due to its’ almost parallel fibred arrangement. Consequently, there is a very strong correlation between MVF and cross-sectional area.

The data produced a 26 +/- 3 % less MVF in the elderly than that predicted from their cross-sectional area using the regression line for the young subjects. Yet, an important possible source of muscular weakness was dispelled through the utilization of the twitch interpolation technique, that showed even the elderly subjects with a reduced MVF/CSA were capable of full activation during a maximal voluntary contraction. Another confounding variable which complicates the interpretation of Phillips et al. (1992) project, has been discussed by Belanger and McComas (1981), where it was acknowledged that other muscles, in addition to the adductor pollicis, can contribute to the adduction of the thumb. Furthermore, complete elimination of the action of these muscles is difficult to achieve, which thereby produces an overestimated MVF for the adductor pollicis muscle. These variables and the possibility that the synchronization ability of older subjects may be compromised compared to younger subjects (Sale, 1988), coupled with other muscles influencing the adductor pollicis MVF, may create a disproportionate level of strength expression in the younger subjects and therefore MVF/CSA.

The measurement of the cross-sectional area of the adductor pollicis muscle by Phillips et al. (1992) was determined via differences in outputs from two linear potentiometers which were moved over the skin, and this has been shown to be well correlated to computed tomography. Nonetheless, with the possibility of an increasing infiltration of non-muscle tissue with advancing age (Lexell et al., 1988; Rice et al., 1989a), the problematic nature of the computed tomography (CT) technique (Silipa and Suominen, 1993) and the fact that the technique used by Phillips et al. (1992) was not as definitive as the CT scanning technique, throws doubt upon whether the MVF/CSA parameter was accurate.

The problems inherent in determining accurate cross-sectional areas through radiological techniques was avoided by Frontera et al. (1991) through hydrostatic weighing (estimation of fat-free mass) and creatinine excretion (estimation of muscle mass) techniques. This study has been addressed above and therefore only the data relating to MVF per kilogram of muscle mass will be mentioned here. Decreases in absolute strength of the knee extensors and flexors, and elbow extensors and flexors, were observed in the elderly men when compared to the younger men. However, and most notable, was the finding that these strength losses when corrected for fat-free mass and muscle mass were significantly reduced and/or completely eliminated, hence producing non-significant age-related differences, which were independent of the muscle group and movement. The authors concluded that the strength differences were most likely caused by alterations in muscle mass and not by impaired muscle function.

This conclusion was supported by Young et al. (1984) which showed MVF (isometric) of the quadriceps and cross-sectional area of older women (age 71-81) to be 35 and 33 per cent lower, respectively, than the younger women (age 20-29). These results once translated into MVF/CSA, showed no difference between the young and old women. This suggests that there was no change in the intrinsic strength of the quadriceps femoris muscle in the older women, as compared to the younger women, and supports the contention that the loss of strength with advancing age is predominantly caused through a loss of functioning muscle mass.

The many problems associated in attempting to accurately determine the MVF/CSA parameter have been outlined above. As a result, conflicting reports have continually been produced in the literature and have therefore maintained the highly disputable status of this parameter. In consideration of the evidence relating to MVF, cross-sectional area and MVF/CSA, it would appear that much of the decline in muscle strength is accounted for by a reduction in muscle cross-sectional area, rather than ageing skeletal muscle becoming intrinsically weaker (Grimby et al., 1982; Frontera et al., 1991; Lexell and Downham, 1992; Lexell et al., 1988; Rogers and Evans, 1993: Young et al., 1984). More research is required although, due to the large variability in opinions which are evident in the literature.


Studies of electrically evoked human muscle strength as a function of age are limited (Vandervoort and McComas, 1986), however, ageing seems to prolong the twitch contraction, half-relaxation times and contraction time to tetanus, while concomitantly reducing twitch potentiation (Davies, Thomas and White, 1986; Lennmarken, Bergman, Larsson and Larsson, 1985; Vandervoort and Hayes, 1989; Vandervoort and McComas, 1986). Twitch contraction time is defined as the time from onset (of the twitch) to peak torque and half-relaxation time as the time taken from the onset to a 50 per cent reduction of peak torque (Vandervoort and Hayes, 1989). These two parameters appear to increase with advancing age and are consistent with the morphological changes that have been reported (Petrella, Cunningham, Vandervoort and Paterson, 1989).

Davies and colleagues (1986) studied the electrically evoked isometric properties of the triceps surae in young (22 years) and elderly (69 years) men and women. The results showed that the younger men and women had a decreased time to peak tension (TPT) and half-relaxation time (1/2RT) of the maximal twitch, and were 30-40 per cent stronger in terms of their MVC, when compared to the older subjects. MVF/CSA was also determined and was shown to be significantly higher in the younger subjects. This latter finding however, was ascertained through anthropometric measurements and as discussed previously will cause gross errors in estimation. Rice et al. (1989a) found that through CT scans, the plantar flexors of the elderly group contained 81 per cent more non-muscle tissue than the younger subjects. Moreover, this technique of determining cross-sectional area is unable to discern some non-muscle constituents, especially in older individuals and therefore implies that the above cited percentage may have even been higher. This would therefore probably account for the difference in MVF/CSA observed in Davies et al. (1986) investigation.

In agreement with the above results is the project conducted by Vandervoort and McComas (1986) that found increases in TPT and 1/2RT with increasing age. The gastrocnemius and soleus muscles were examined, with the lengthening of the twitch most noticeable in the former muscle. This observation was believed to be influenced via an increase in the proportion of tension developed by type I muscle fibres in the older subjects, because of the type II atrophy that occurs with age. Contraction patterns in the older individuals expressed, perhaps contrary to expectation, full recruitment of their motor unit pool, which is in line with the data produced by Phillips et al. (1992) and Vandervoort and Hayes (1989), thus excluding an important possible cause of weakness. 


The responses to a program of regular resistance training influence the morphological and functional characteristics of the neuromuscular system (Sale, 1988; Tesch, 1988). The adaptations made to resistance training are well documented in younger age groups (Hakkinen and Komi, 1986; Hakkinen, Alen and Komi, 1985; Hather, Tesch, Buchanan and Dudley, 1991; Kraemer, Noble, Clark, and Culver, 1987; Luthi, Howald, Claassen, Rosler, Vock and Hoppeler, 1986; Moritani and DeVries, 1979), with an increasing amount of information related to older age groups being produced (Brown, McCartney and Sale, 1990; Charette, McEvoy, Pyka, Snow-Harter, Guido, Wiswell and Marcus, 1991; Fiatarone et al., 1990; Frontera, Meredith, O’Reilly, Knuttgen and Evans, 1988; McCartney, Hicks and Martin-Gerend, 1993; Parson, Foster, Harman, Dickinson, Oliva, Westerlind and Boulder, 1992). Young men and women following resistance training programs demonstrate substantial increases in strength, hypertrophy of both type I and II muscle fibres, increases in muscle cross-sectional area and favourable neural changes (Hakkinen et al., 1985; Hather et al., 1991). With muscle strength in older persons being a significant factor that influences functional mobility (Bassey et al., 1992), it would appear that resistance training may provide an important tool in trying to combat the age-related changes in skeletal muscle, and this would consequently improve the structural and functional status of an ageing individual.

Fiatarone and associates (1990) investigated the responses to 8 weeks of high-intensity, progressive resistance training (concentric and eccentric contractions), performed 3 times per week at 80% of the one repetition maximum (1RM), in 10 frail, institutionalized elderly men and women (age= 90 +/- 1 years). Leg extensor strength prior to the program was extremely low, with a mean 1RM of 9 kilograms. No contraindications related to the resistance training program were observed, apart from one man dropping out due to a previous repaired inguinal hernia. The amount of weight that could be lifted post-training rose from 8-21 kilograms, which represented an average improvement in strength of 174 +/- 31%.

Muscle CSA was also established through computed tomography and showed an average increase of 11.7 +/- 5.0% (quadriceps: 14.5 +/- 7.8%; hamstrings and adductors: 10.6 +/- 9.1%) from baseline values. This however, did not correlate to the strength gains, thus implying that improved neural recruitment patterns were also influencing strength expression. The increment in strength made in this group of very old men and women, translated into improvements of functional mobility, with tandem gait speed rising. In addition, two subjects no longer needed canes to walk at the end of the project, with another subject being able to rise from a chair without the use of the arms (previously they were required). Although there were demonstrated improvements in muscle strength and muscle cross-sectional area, detraining resulted in a significant 32% loss of maximum strength in only 4 weeks. Clearly, some form of maintenance program would be required for the preservation of the training adaptations made following a resistance training program.

Recently, Klitgaard and co-workers (1990) produced data that suggested very strongly that resistance training performed consistently over many years may attenuate or even stop to some degree, the ‘usual’ changes evident in ageing human skeletal muscle. In this cross-sectional study 5 different groups which included young (28 +/- 0.1 years) and elderly (68 +/- 0.5 years) sedentary subjects, elderly swimmers (69 +/- 1.9 years), runners (70 +/- 0.7 years) and strength trained subjects (68 +/- 0.8 years) were investigated via the function and morphology of their knee extension/m. vastus lateralis and elbow flexion/biceps brachii. The training groups had completed their training regimens, on average, 3 times a week, for the 12-17 years prior to the study.

The results indicated that the elderly strength trained group possessed similar testing and measurement parameters to the sedentary young group. On the other hand, the swimmers, runners and inactive older groups produced results considerably different to the elderly strength trained and inactive younger groups. Maximal isometric torque (MIT), CSA and fibre typing was determined for both muscles. Maximal isometric torque in the strength trained elderly men was similar to the young sedentary subjects, in comparison to the swimmers and runners who displayed strength levels in line with age-matched controls. As a consequence, the strength trained group exhibited 72 and 38% greater knee extension and elbow flexion MIT, respectively, than the age-matched controls. The CSA measurements also demonstrated differences, with the quadriceps femoris and elbow flexors, 18 and 29% larger, respectively, in the strength trained and young sedentary groups, when compared to the swimmers, runners and sedentary older groups. The third parameter mentioned, again showed the consistency between young and strength trained groups. Mean fibre area was identical in these two groups, while all three other groups had significantly smaller mean fibre areas. The most striking finding was the extraordinary large type IIb fibres present in the strength trained group. This contrasted to the much smaller and atrophied type II fibres in all other elderly groups.

Obviously there is difficultly in establishing valid conclusions from this study due to the cross-sectional design and the relatively small number of subjects. Nevertheless, it was shown that only the strength trained elderly group maintained excellent muscle function, in comparison to the other elderly groups. This suggests that strength training performed regularly can prevent age-related decreases in strength and quantitative levels of contractile tissue.

These above observations find further support from other projects (Klitgaard et al., 1989a; Klitgaard et al., 1989b) conducted on old rat muscle, that suggested the reduced use of muscle has a major influence on the observed alterations in the morphology and function of skeletal muscle with age. Strength trained and swim trained rats enabled a comparison of two different training regimens. Both studies showed strength training had a considerable counteracting effect on the age-related, atrophy, composition and contractile properties of muscle fibres. The swim trained rats, on the other hand, displayed no evidence of any changes in these parameters, although the levels of endurance were improved. Klitgaard et al. (1989a) concluded that an altered activity pattern with increasing age, where the amount and frequency of forceful muscular contractions decreases, appears to have a profound effect on the “atrophy, weakness, and slowing of contractions, which are the normal features of ageing skeletal muscle” (1989a: 1407).

Resistive exercise and its effects on elderly women has not been addressed as frequently as in elderly men. Consequently, two recent investigations (Charette et al., 1991; Cress, Thomas, Johnson, Kasch, Cassens, Smith and Agre, 1991), assessed the capacity of older women to adapt to progressive resistance training. The study conducted by Cress et al. (1991) combined aerobic training with resistance work and proceeded for 50 weeks, while the study by Charette and associates (1991) was only 12 weeks in duration and specifically attended to resistive training. The subjects of both studies were of a similar age (approximately 70 years old) and results indicated paralleling changes in the structure and function of leg extensors (m. vastus lateralis). Strength in both training groups improved dramatically, and this was accompanied by comparable changes in type II muscle fibre areas. This increment in fibre area was especially evident in the type IIb fibres (increased 29%, maintenance of type IIa area) in Cress et al. (1991) project. These results led Charette et al. (1991) to ascribe the age-related decreases in type II fibre areas and strength alterations, to levels of physical activity, rather than, an inherent change of muscle to age.

Brown and colleagues (1990) trained the elbow flexors (biceps brachii and brachialis) in 14 elderly males for 12 weeks at an intensity of 70-90% of 1RM. This program produced a 48% increase in dynamic strength (as determined through 1RM) and 8.8% rise in isokinetic strength in the trained arm. In addition, the contralateral control arm (untrained arm) demonstrated increases of 12.7 and 6.5%, respectively, in 1RM and isokinetic strength assessment. This phenomenon has been referred to by Sale (1988) as the cross-training effect. Computed tomography after training showed that the trained arm had increased its’ cross-sectional area by 17.4%, compared to pre-training scans. In contrast, there was a small, but nevertheless, significant increase in the cross-sectional area of the untrained arm.

These results that demonstrate increments in strength in the untrained arm, with no appreciable increase in cross-sectional area, suggest that neural adaptations need to be included in the explanation for the observed changes. Muscle fibre areas also altered in the trained and untrained arm. Type II fibres of the trained arm increased approximately 3-fold compared to the untrained arm (30.2% versus 10.7%), with type I fibres increasing, but to a smaller degree in both the trained and untrained arms (percentages not reported). This finding of greater hypertrophy in type II fibres is consistent with other studies (Hather et al., 1991), however, there is still some discordance in relation to whether type I fibre enlargement occurs, following resistance exercise in elderly males and females, due to the conflicting results of several projects (Larsson, 1982; Frontera et al., 1988; Charette et al., 1991).

Progressive resistance training in older individuals has been been shown to increase strength and produce significant hypertrophy, provided the program is of sufficient intensity, duration and frequency (Brown et al., 1990; Charette et al., 1991). These alterations have been associated with enhanced functional mobility, thus maintaining older person’s independence (Fiatarone et al., 1990). With adaptations and recovery rates (Clarkson and Dedrick, 1988) to resistance training in elderly and younger groups being similar in nature, the alterations in muscle morphology and function can no longer be viewed as an inevitable consequence of ageing (Rogers and Evans, 1993). Intervention resistive programs or adherence to some form of resistance exercise over time, may result in an attenuation of the age-related changes in skeletal muscle, and hence decrease the atrophy, weakness and slowing of contractions, with ‘normal’ inactive ageing (Klitgaard et al., 1990; Klitgaard et al., 1989a).


Changes in muscle morphology and function occur as a result of ageing. However, whether ageing per se can fully account for the significant decrements in muscle volume and muscle strength is disputable. It would appear that declining activity levels and a reduction in muscular contractions forceful in nature play a far greater role than previously thought. Evidence suggests that these age-related changes are not just biologically driven either because data shows that Western societies harbour sociocultural expectations that physical activity levels should decrease proportionally to age. In other words, high-intensity physical activity and resistance training are perceived as inappropriate for older adults, with the inappropriateness increasing commensurate to advancing age.

The accelerating reduction of muscle volume after the sixth decade of life, may be mediated through selective atrophy of type II muscle fibres and a highly significant decrease in fibre number. Fibre compositional alterations in favour of type I expression remain contentious, with inconsistent data exacerbating the difficulty of establishing a consensus. The large decline in fibre number is probably the main determinant of the large reduction in muscle cross-sectional area. These changes are mainly attributable to the accelerating loss of functioning motor units via a continuous neurogenic denervation/reinnervation process.

Strength decrements with age have been predominantly ascribed to muscle cross-sectional area changes. Many confounding variables, however, make the assessment of the underlying reasons for the changes in muscle function very difficult to determine. Until further data is produced, strength decreases will be seen as mainly due to the reduction in muscle mass and therefore, muscle cross-sectional area.

Resistance training is now acknowledged as an excellent form of exercise to attenuate the age-related alterations in human skeletal muscle morphology and function. Hypertrophy and strength gains have been demonstrated to be similar in young and older subjects. Likewise, the recovery abilities for young versus old following resistive exercise have been shown to similar. In light of these most promising benefits, it is suggested that the maintenance of activity levels, including some form of resistance training exercise, should be performed with increasing age.  


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This literature review was conducted in 1994 as part of a proposed PhD study.

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12 Reasons Why Older Adults Need To Do Resistance Training Exercise: Part 1

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What are they:

  1. Increases longevity and improves quality of life
  2. Helps manage hypertension and decreases heart disease
  3. Enhances sleep quality and quantity
  4. Prevents/treats type 2 diabetes & decreases inflammation
  5. Prevents cognitive decline & neurodegenerative disease
  6. Improves mental health 
  7. Enhances skeletal health
  8. Maintains or increases lean body mass (muscle)
  9. Increases strength, power, speed and physical function
  10. Reduces body fat and help maintain body fat loss
  11. Improves endurance performance 
  12. Reduces injury risk

Resistance or weight training is a critical component of training programs of most elite athletes irrespective of the sport. The benefits of resistance training – to increase maximal muscle strength and neuromuscular power – has long been recognised by most strength and conditioning experts, coaches and sport scientists as key to sporting performance. Logic would dictate therefore that if elite athletes are doing concurrent training to improve sport specific performance, masters athletes may also reap huge benefits too. There is now compelling evidence to suggest that resistance training can potentially augment athleticism of masters athletes well beyond that achieved by confining training to sports specific training. Furthermore, these significant benefits are not just limited to sprint, speed or power orientated sports but endurance performance may also be enhanced.

However, before I address the athletic performance benefits of resistance training for older athletes and functional enhancement such exercise has in older non-athletes (these will be outlined in part 2), I want to discuss the significant and sometimes life-changing health benefits that have been well documented in research conducted over the last 20 years. There is a great deal of data now to support the use of resistance training to help treat and manage a number of chronic diseases that become more prevalent as we get older. The following outlines 6 key reasons why resistance training exercise should be included in all programs of older athletes and exercise programs of older non-athletes.

strength training for over 50
Resistance Training Reduces The Risk Of Death

Reduce the risk of death. Evidence continues to accumulate to show that skeletal muscle strength is strongly predictive of longevity. Maximum muscle force in men aged 20-80 is independently and inversely associated with all-cause mortality. Over the age of 60 years, all cause and cancer-associated mortality is twice as likely in individuals with low compared to high skeletal muscle strength. Older adults over 15 years who reported twice/weekly strength training had 46% lower odds of all-cause mortality than those who did not. Resistance training when performed regularly is one of the best methods to increase skeletal muscle strength (see links 1, 2, 3, 4). A recent assessment of the research that has been conducted in older adults showed that resistance training substantially improved health-related quality of life. In other words, resistance training and getting stronger has a direct impact on our perception of how meaningful, manageable and comprehensible life is, and as such, significantly greater promotion of this type of activity is warranted (see here).

strength training for over 50
Resistance Training And Cardiovascular Health

Helps manage hypertension and decrease heart disease. High blood pressure can still affect masters athletes and resistance training when performed in conjunction with aerobic or endurance training has been shown to have a positive effect and reduce blood pressure. However, data to support resistance training as a stand alone practice is mixed with some studies suggesting improvement in systolic and diastolic blood pressure versus other research that has shown such exercise can increase arterial stiffness. Evidence tends to point to concurrent exercise (resistance training combined with aerobic exercise) as being the most effective for reducing the risk of heart disease (see links 1, 2, 3, 4).

strength training for over 50
Resistance Training Facilitates Better Sleep

Improves sleep quality and quantity. Problems with sleep are common with advancing years and occur in over half of adults age 65 and older. It has been estimated that insomnia affects about a third of the older population. The evidence to date suggests that poor sleep hygiene directly impacts and worsens many aspects of health including such things as mental health, obesity, heart disease, cognition, memory, executive function, metabolic disturbance and falls to name just a few.

Overall quality of life is thus dramatically reduced. Other factors associated with ageing, such as disease, changes in environment, or concurrent age-related processes also may contribute to problems of sleep. Sleep disturbance and long sleep duration, but not short sleep duration, have been shown to be associated with increases in markers of systemic inflammation. Research has shown that both sleep quality and quantity is improved with increased levels of exercise. Resistance training alone appears to positively impact sleep quality but more data is required to confirm that sleep quantity is equally improved (see links 1, 2, 3).

strength training for over 50
Diabetes Rates Continue To Increase

Prevent/treat type 2 diabetes & decrease inflammation. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is one of the fastest growing non-communicable diseases worldwide and occurs much more frequently in those that are overweight and obese. However, impaired blood glucose metabolism, one of the hallmarks of T2DM, is an increasingly common problem in those that are not overweight and have relatively normal BMI.  A poor and overindulgent diet – high in things like sugar, trans-fats, processed foods, junk foods and that are low in fish (omega-3 fatty acids), vegetables, fruit, fibre and high quality protein – combined with long-term sedentarism has been postulated as playing a leading causative role. Such a combination causes the development of chronic positive energy balance whereby excess energy disposal and adipose storage triggers a significant oxidative pro-inflammatory response referred to as metabolic inflammation.

In obesity, expanding adipose tissue attracts immune cells creating an inflammatory environment within this fatty acid storage organ. Skeletal muscle is the predominant site of insulin-mediated glucose uptake and insulin resistance is considered the primary defect that is evident years before the development of T2DM. Resistance training has consistently been shown to improve the ability of the skeletal muscles to take up and metabolise blood glucose (sugar) and is therefore an important strategy in managing T2DM. Finally, there is now scientific data to show that disorders that arise and are linked to inflammation (e.g. Insulin resistance, obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, chronic kidney disease, osteoarthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and many more), can be improved or mitigated with resistance training and exercise (see links 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

strength training for over 50 female
Resistance Training Enhances Brain Health

Prevent cognitive decline & neurodegenerative disease Recent research has shown that long-term resistance training in older women promotes executive function, memory, reduced cortical white matter atrophy and increased peak muscle power. Such findings are very exciting as they suggest that exercise and resistance training can modify brain neuroplasticity and help improve brain function. The current thinking is that resistance and physical exercise represents a promising nonpharmaceutical intervention to prevent age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Alzheimers. There is some evidence that the mechanisms behind these alterations may be related to increased levels of Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and IGF-1. BDNF-induced neuroplasticity is speculated to be facilitated by physical exercise but conclusive evidence supporting this mechanism of action has not yet been established (see links 1, 2, 3, 4).

strength training for over 50 female
Mental Health Is Significantly Improved with Resistance Training

Improved mental health. There is substantial evidence to demonstrate that resistance training and exercise more generally has a very dramatic and potent effect on improving mental health and treating those that suffer from mental health disorders. For example, research has shown that high-intensity resistance training is more effective than low-intensity resistance training or standard care by a GP in the treatment of depression in older patients. Resistance exercise has also be shown to reduce anxiety, slow the progression of white matter lesions in older women, improve symptomatology and disease severity in severe mental illness and essentially improve overall quality of life and general mental health (see links 1, 2, 3).

To finish up I cannot emphasise enough just how important resistance training exercise is for all older adults including masters athletes. The reasons mentioned above are only some of the many that support resistance training exercise as an essential ingredient of a healthy lifestyle and confirm current recommendations for people to partake in a minimum of 2 resistance training sessions per week.

To read part 2 of “12 reasons why older adults need to do resistance training exercise” which discusses the performance-enhancing benefits for older athletes and the incredible functional improvements that can be achieved in older non-athletes, see here.

For local Townsville residents interested in FitGreyStrong’s Exercise Physiology services or exercise programs designed to achieve the above-mentioned benefits or to enhance athletic performance, contact FitGreyStrong@outlook.com or phone 0499 846 955 for a confidential discussion.

For other Australian residents or oversees readers interested in our services, please see here.

Disclaimer: All contents of the FitGreyStrong website/blog are provided for information and education purposes only. Those interested in making changes to their exercise, lifestyle, dietary, supplement or medication regimens should consult a relevantly qualified and competent health care professional. Those who decide to apply or implement any of the information, advice, and/or recommendations on this website do so knowingly and at their own risk. The owner and any contributors to this site accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any harm caused, real or imagined, from the use or distribution of information found at FitGreyStrong. Please leave this site immediately if you, the reader, find any of these conditions not acceptable.

© FitGreyStrong
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